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Pope Francis (R) watches Cuban President Raul Castro leaving after a private audience at the Vatican on May 10, 2015. Cuban President Raul Castro arrived at the Vatican on Sunday to thank Pope Francis for his role in brokering the rapprochement between Havana and Washington. The first South American pope played a key role in secret negotiations between the United States and Cuba that led to the surprise announcement in December that they would seek to restore diplomatic ties after more than 50 years of tensions.  AFP PHOTO/POOL/GREGORIO BORGIA

Raúl Castro presidente de Cuba contó que tras la reunión con Francisco quedó   Raúl Castro presidente de Cuba contó que tras la reunión con Francisco quedó   «muy impresionado por su sabiduría, su modestia, y todas sus virtudes que conocemos que tiene». «Yo leo todos los discursos del Papa, sus comentarios, y si el Papa sigue así, yo volveré a rezar y volveré a la Iglesia, y no lo digo por broma».